Unduh Aplikasi Guru Binar

Power Reading: Learn to Read Effectively and Comprehend More

Dapat sertifikat


Guru Binar Learners

9 Peserta

Durasi Kelas

1920 Menit

Kelas Overview

In this course, you'll learn how to become a more effective reader and can give you a better comprehension of what the author is trying to convey. Whether you are a student who is seeking to pass the reading comprehension portion of such standardized tests as the TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, College Placement Test, ACCUPLACER, GRE, or GMAT, or you need to improve your reading comprehension for work or for other personal reasons, this course is for you. You will learn the best way to approach a variety of reading materials and how to improve both your comprehension and speed when reading those materials. In today's world it is more important than ever to understand how to draw meaning from what you read. Students and employees are actually required to read more than they ever have in the past--how-to books, technical manuals, and on-line reading resources. In order to position yourself at the top of your organization or the top of your class, learning to read with greater comprehension is a skill that will set you apart from the competition. Whether you already like to read and simply want to sharpen your skills, or you find that you struggle with reading comprehension and speed, this course has something for everyone. Reading is power. Learning to read faster, more accurately, and with greater comprehension is a skill that you need in today's competitive world. There are no poor readers, just people with good and bad reading habits!

Kelas Ini Termasuk:
  • Akses Selamanya
  • Gratis Bahan bacaan
  • Gratis Video pembelajaran
  • Gratis Worksheet
  • Gratis Portfolio
  • Review Oleh Fasilitator
  • Bersertifikat

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Mulai Investasi Untuk Masa Depan

Guru Binar Premium Subscriber

Rp. 350,000/Tahun

  • Akses Bebas Selama 12 Bulan
  • Gratis Bahan bacaan
  • Gratis Video pembelajaran
  • Gratis Worksheet
  • Gratis Portfolio
  • Review Oleh Fasilitator
  • Bersertifikat
  • Akses Kelas Lain
  • Premium Resources
Investasi Hanya Kelas Ini

Rp. 150,000 / Sekali Investasi

  • Akses Selamanya
  • Gratis Bahan bacaan
  • Gratis Video pembelajaran
  • Gratis Worksheet
  • Gratis Portfolio
  • Review Oleh Fasilitator
  • Bersertifikat

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